Friday, October 28, 2005

London Update

Having a fine day here in Great Britian! Started off at the British musem - the thrill of that was seeing the Rosetta Stone. Hopped on a City Tour of London to the Tower of London and then the Tower Bridge. Shelagh - you would've LOVED the stairs! Saw where Charles and Di got married - as well as The Monument - no lift to the top - ie = stairs! Can I tell ya that if I never see a spiral staircase again I will be a happy girl?
I got dropped off in Piccadilly circus and am pub-hoping my way back to the hotel ( it's only 6:20 pm).....I bought a ticket for 'The Producers' for tomorrow night for £30. Hopefully I am not getting ripped off and will actually get to see a show in London!
Just had a bite to eat at a pub and had a chicken ceaser salad. Those who know how much I love me salad's will be interested to know that halfway thru I encountered a 'fishy' taste. Well - it was a real anchovey and I simply cannot do those! I finished the salad with a sole anchovey left behind...

Today's Misc. notes:
Kathy - I bought yer chocolate in the Tower of London!
Shelagh - stairs - need I say more?
Did I ever mention how tasty the Haggis with neeps & tatties was at the Mitre in Edinburgh?
The doors to many places are those funky half doors - not like those big standard doors back in the states...
T - tell Em and Sarah that I am not a princess yet! The search continues!
For those 'While you were Sleeping' fans - I got a stamp in my passport for Ireland! Next s/b Venice!
Me pints of Guiness are being Mastered!
No signs of 'When Irish hands were groping....'
Will see how late I can find a pub open in London Mare....
SHOW26 - I watched Crystal Palace beat Liverppol in futball while strolling 3 pubs in Dublin....( you don't say SOCCER here - nor do you say that London has a Ferris wheel)
Edinburgh there were no SUV's - mostly sedans, taxis and buses....
Dublin there were a few SUV's - mostly driven by drunkan Irishman!
London - a few more SUV's still not nearly as many as there are back in the states!

When all is said and done I will put out an entry of all the pubs I have hit...until then - the crawl continues! The count stands at 36 for the moment..with over 500 some-odd pics on the digital camera and a dead battery ( which is why I need to head back to the hotel to recharge).. I am mastering the self-picture portrait with scenery in the background.

CHEERS Dahlings!!

Well, "T - tell Em and Sarah that I am not a princess yet! The search continues!". Who are you kidding. You might be able to fool the young'ns but you can't fool us:)

btw - hired 3 more "PA's" - glad to see you're having fun.
Little eff
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